Sunday, October 5, 2008


What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing can escape, even light.

To see why this happens, imagine throwing a tennis ball into the air. The harder you throw the tennis ball, the faster it is travelling when it leaves your hand and the higher the ball will go before turning back. If you throw it hard enough it will never return, the gravitational attraction will not be able to pull it back down. The velocity the ball must have to escape is known as the escape velocity and for the earth is about 7 miles a second.

As a body is crushed into a smaller and smaller volume, the gravitational attraction increases, and hence the escape velocity gets bigger. Things have to be thrown harder and harder to escape. Eventually a point is reached when even light, which travels at 186 thousand miles a second, is not travelling fast enough to escape. At this point, nothing can get out as nothing can travel faster than light. This is a black hole.

Do they really exist?

It is impossible to see a black hole directly because no light can escape from them; they are black. But there are good reasons to think they exist.

When a large star has burnt all its fuel it explodes into a supernova. The stuff that is left collapses down to an extremely dense object known as a neutron star. We know that these objects exist because several have been found using radio telescopes.

If the neutron star is too large, the gravitational forces overwhelm the pressure gradients and collapse cannot be halted. The neutron star continues to shrink until it finally becomes a black hole. This mass limit is only a couple of solar masses, that is about twice the mass of our sun, and so we should expect at least a few neutron stars to have this mass. (Our sun is not particularly large; in fact it is quite small.)

Stellar black holes, mid-mass black holes, and supermassive black holes.

18 Jun 08
A spiral galaxy located about 12 million light years from Earth.
16 Apr 08

A sample of nine galaxies each containing supermassive black holes in their centers.

A sample of nine galaxies each containing supermassive black holes in their centers.
A sample of nine galaxies each containing supermassive black holes in their centers.
A sample of nine galaxies each containing supermassive black holes in their centers.

A compilation of long observations on the same patch of sky.

03 Jan 07
Astronomers have found a black hole where few thought they could ever exist, inside a globular star cluster.
21 Jun 06
A binary star system consisting of a black hole and a normal star, located about 11,000 light years from Earth.
24 Apr 06

13 Oct 05
Chandra's image of the Galactic Center has provided evidence for a new and unexpected way for stars to form.
23 May 05

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